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                              Consulting  Services:


Retreats & Special Events

Community Collaborations & Development

Program Development

Leadership Training

Training Materials

Bible Study and Pastoral Care


CHM offers a  range of products to suit a variety of budgets and needs. Our most popular products are shown below. Please 'contact us' for more information on products, current promotions and customized options.

Healthy Churches:

Resources for clergy, teachers and church leaders to enhance the effectiveness of church ministries. Resources include: approaches to Bible study, theater arts programs, young adult,  young girls and women programs.

Healthy Families: Family Tool Kit

This tool kit offers professionals, pastors and families techniques and strategies for building healthy families. Specific skills are provided to help couples, parents, and the entire family (nuclear and extended) to communicate effectively and improve interpersonal relationships.

Healthy Relationships:   FORGIVENESS STATION

A special forgiveness board allows co-workers, friends and family members to systematically process forgiving one another.  The purpose of Forgiveness Station is to keep track of hurts and offenses. The board game allows each person to work through a step-by-step process towards problem resolution and reconciliation.

Forgive me or forgive me not...that is the question.

Healthy Communities:


This is a simulation game designed for classroom instructors, administrators, community leaders, counselors and others who train or conduct multicultural workshops. The game offers a non confrontational opportunity to discuss structural, systemic and institutional biases. Participants learn how they personally respond to inequality and preferential treatment. A debriefing card gives examples of  and consequences of structural and systemic barriers in the broader society.

 Healthy Communities:

 Block Party

This is a boa​rd game designed to teach participants community development skills using different models. Participants are required to use one professional orientation  to create a healthy neighborhood. 

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